
  • Dr. Jonathan Kelly


    Prof. Kelly is the Director of the STARS Laboratory; his research is focused on understanding how robots can successfully interact with the world, by building internal models of state and deriving sufficient statistics.

Current Students 
  • Trevor Ablett

    Ph.D. Student

    Trevor is working on improving the robustness and sample efficiency of imitation and reinforcement learning for manipulation.

  • Olivier Lamarre

    Ph.D. Student

    Olivier is working on adaptive long-range navigation planning with planetary rovers in collaboration with NASA JPL.

  • Philippe Nadeau

    Ph.D. Student

    Philippe is studying how robot-environment interactions can be leveraged to improve manipulation models.

  • Miguel Rogel

    Ph.D. Student

    Miguel is studying planning and control for human-robot interaction, with a focus on force control.

  • Vincenzo Polizzi

    Ph.D. Student

    Vincenzo is developing deep models for fast and robust SLAM.

  • Mia Thomas

    M.A.Sc. Student

    Mia is studying methods for visual-inertial and thermal-inertial navigation for day/night autonomous flight.

  • Hugh Corley

    M.A.Sc. Student

    Hugh is investigating ways to incorporate temporal uncertainty into common estimation frameworks.

  • Karyna Volokhatiuk

    M.A.Sc. Student

    Karyna is working on guided learning for robotic manipulation.

  • Phone Thiha Kyaw

    M.A.Sc. Student

    Phone is exploring geometric methods for long-horizon manipulation task planning.

  • Katie Allison

    Master's Student (2025)

    Katie studied the design of active (‘friction-tunable’) gripping surfaces for robotic manipulation in collaboration with Prof. Benjamin Hatton in MSE.

  • Dr. Norikatsu Sumi

    Visiting Researcher (2023-2024)

    Dr. Sumi visited us from Nissan to work on integrated visual-inertial pose tracking under challenging conditions. He received his Ph.D. from the Nagoya Institute of Technology.

  • Dr. Emmett Wise

    Doctoral Candidate (2024)

    Emmett devised a series of calibration methods for 3D and 2D mm-wavelength and ground-penetrating radar sensors. Now a Senior Research Scientist at Waabi in Toronto.

  • Ivan Bilić

    Visiting Doctoral Student (2024)

    Ivan’s research interests lie at the intersection of vision and robotics. He visited us as part of an ongoing collaboration with the LAMoR group at the University of Zagreb.

  • Dr. Oliver Limoyo

    Doctoral Candidate (2024)

    Oliver studied how self-supervised learning and generative modelling can be used for robotic manipulation tasks. Now a Senior Research Scientist at Waabi in Toronto.

  • Gabriel Oña

    Undergraduate Research Student (2024)

    Gabriel joined our group as a summer student and contributed to a project on manipulator calibration. Currently an undergraduate student at USFQ, Ecuador.

  • Selina Leveugle

    Master's Student (2024)

    Selina explored visual anomaly detection for on-orbit operations of robotic manipulators and helped to build the ALLO Dataset.

  • Jinbang Huang

    Master's Student (2024)

    Jinbang worked on neurosymbolic task and motion planning in collaboration with Prof. Florian Shkurti, U of T CS. Now a Researcher at Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab in Toronto.

  • Joey Zou

    Undergraduate Research Student (2024)

    Joey designed and built a software framework for augmented reality-based teleoperation of robotic manipulators. Now a B.A.Sc. student in Engineering Science at U of T.

  • Rozilyn Marco

    Undergraduate Research Student (2024)

    Rozilyn worked with our Franka manipulators as part of a project on neurosymbolic task and motion planning. Now a B.A.Sc. student in Engineering Science at U of T.

  • Jayanti Ranade

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2024)

    Jayanti evaluated various reinforcement learning algorithms for mobile manipulation.

  • Edwin Ng

    Master's Student (2023)

    Edwin explored deep learning methods for efficient semantic mapping of large-scale indoor environments.

  • Bhakti Cohan

    Undergraduate Research Student (2023)

    Bhakti worked with Dr. Norikatsu Sumi on visual-inertial pose tracking. Now a B.A.Sc. student in Engineering Science at U of T.

  • Nicole Amenta

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2023)

    Nicole designed traffic light detection software as a member of aUToronto. Now a Software Developer at IBM in Toronto.

  • Cathy Guo

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2023)

    Cathy implemented OOD detection software for manipulation learning. Now an M.A.Sc. student at UTIAS.

  • Haoran (Jayce) Wang

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2023)

    Jayce worked on new adversarial imitation learning algorihms for various robotic manipulation tasks.

  • Sean Wu

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2023)

    Sean developed traffic light tracking software as a member of aUToronto. Now an M.Sc. student in EEIT at ETH Zürich.

  • Dr. Filip Marić

    Doctoral Candidate (2023)

    Filip explored geometric methods for manipulator motion planning in collaboration with LAMoR (University of Zagreb). Now a Research Scientist at Meta in San Francisco.

  • Adam Hall

    Ph.D. Student (2022)

    Adam worked on various algorithms for our mobile manipulator platform. Now a Ph.D. student in the Dynamic Systems Lab at UTIAS.

  • Dr. Matthew Giamou

    Doctoral Candidate (2022)

    Matthew worked on certifiably optimal estimation for safe robotic perception and planning. Now an Assistant Professor at McMaster University and Director of the ARCO Lab.

  • Dr. Brandon Wagstaff

    Doctoral Candidate (2022)

    Brandon worked on improving visual and inertial navigation algorithms by applying deep learning. Now a Software Engineer at Oxa in Toronto.

  • Andrej Janda

    Master's Student (2022)

    Andrej designed a new self-supervised semantic mapping framework for visual and lidar data. Now a Software Engineer at Oxa in Toronto.

  • Qilong (Jerry) Chen

    Undergraduate Research Student (2022)

    Qilong worked on projects related to mm-wavelength radar calibration and motion estimation. He’s continued to collaborate with us on other projects as well!

  • Erin Richardson

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2022)

    Erin worked on lunar rover navigation planning software in cooperation with MDA. Now a Ph.D. student at CU Boulder in bioastronautics, working with Prof. Allison Anderson.

  • Dr. Ahmad Bilal Asghar

    Postdoctoral Fellow (2021)

    Ahmad worked on navigation planning over stochastic graphs. He obtained his Ph.D. from Waterloo. Now a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Maryland.

  • Chris Grebe

    Master's Student (2021)

    Chris compared observability-aware trajectory optimization methods. Now a Senior Software Engineer at Trimble Agriculture in Denver, Colorado.

  • Abhinav Grover

    Master's Student (2021)

    Abhinav worked on learning-based methods for tactile slip detection. Now a Senior ML Engineer at Ocado in San Francisco.

  • Yifan (Daniel) Zhai

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2021)

    Daniel developed manipulation software for our mobile platform. Now an M.Sc. student at ETH Zürich.

  • Petra Alexson

    Undergraduate Research Student (2021)

    Petra helped to build our GNN-based inverse kinematics solver. Last a B.A.Sc. student in Engineering Science at U of T.

  • Kelly Zhu

    Undergraduate Research Student (2021)

    Kelly was involved in the design and testing of a new uncertainty-aware stochastic path planning framework. Now an M.Sc. student in Computer Science at U of T.

  • Justin Tomasi

    Master's Student (2020)

    Justin investigated methods for increasing the robustness of visual motion estimation for high-speed robot platforms. Now a Software Engineer at Ribbit, Toronto.

  • Jason Wang

    Undergraduate Research Student (2020)

    Jason worked on visual docking algorithms for our autonomous tail-sitter aerial vehicle (the Phoenix Drone).

  • Soroush Khoubyarian

    Undergraduate Research Student (2020)

    Soroush helped to devise several algorithms for certifiably optimal estimation. Now an M.Sc. student in Physics at the University of Waterloo.

  • Hudson Schier

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2020)

    Hudson worked on rover autonomy software as part of the U of T Robotics for Space Exploration competition team.

  • Yuchen Wu

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2020)

    Yuchen examined reinforcement learning in cooperation with Prof. Florian Shkurti at UTM. Now a Software Engineer at Nuro in Toronto.

  • Dr. Valentin Peretroukhin

    Doctoral Candidate (2020)

    Valentin studied ways to improve visual localization through the use of deep learning. Now a Computational Research Scientist at Structura Biotechnology, Toronto.

  • Dr. Lee Clement

    Doctoral Candidate (2020)

    Lee investigated how learning can be used to enable long-term visual navigation. Now Staff Engineer and Tech Lead Manager (Planning ML) at Oxa in Toronto.

  • Shui Song Luar

    Undergraduate Exchange Student (2019)

    Shui Song visited us from NTU, Singapore, to work on semantic mapping for manipulation tasks. Last a Master’s student at NUS, Singapore.

  • Juraj Peršić

    Visiting Doctoral Student (2019)

    Juraj worked on mm-wave radar as part of ongoing research for his Ph.D. in the LAMoR group at the University of Zagreb. Now CEO at Calirad in Zagreb, Croatia.

  • Brian Aly

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2019)

    Brian developed extensions to our deep appearance modelling framework. Now a Software Engineer III at Google in Mountain View.

  • Richard Seo

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2019)

    Richard worked on an advanced SLAM package for the RSX Rover Challenge Team at U of T. Now a Software engineer at Microsoft.

  • Ray Qureshi

    Undergraduate Research Student (2019)

    Ray developed tools to support visual navigation of our tail sitter aerial platform. Now a Software Engineer at Stripe in San Francisco.

  • Ziye (Gaven) Ma

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2019)

    Ziye applied convex optimization to robot mapping problems. Now an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the City University of Hong Kong.

  • Tobias Ulrich

    Master's Exchange Student (2018)

    Tobias completed his Master’s at the STARS Lab on exchange from ETH Zürich, working on human-robot cooperative manipulation. Now a Project Manager at ASE in Zürich.

  • Jordan Marr

    Master's Student (2018)

    Jordan worked on spatiotemporal calibration algorithms for lidar-camera and lidar-IMU sensor pairs. Now a Senior Software Engineer at NVIDIA, Santa Clara, California.

  • David (Yilun) Wu

    Undergraduate Research Student (2018)

    David designed and built our Phoenix tail-sitter drone from scratch! Now a Ph.D. student in neuromorphic AI at TU Delft with Prof. Guido de Croon.

  • Thomas Kingsford

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2018)

    Thomas worked on various methods for airborne threat tracking. Now a Software Engineer in the New Zealand Defence Force.

  • Jenni Lam

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2018)

    Jenni worked on modifying our deep network for sun detection, Sun-BCNN. Now a Software Engineer at Nuro in San Francisco, California.

  • Luke Volpatti

    Undergraduate Research Student (2017)

    Luke worked on improving our suite of sensor calibration tools. Now a Quantitative Researcher at Citadel in Chicago, Illinois.

  • Xinyi Li

    Mitacs Globalink Student (2017)

    Xinyi built navigation and mapping software for our self-driving wheelchair. Last at Zhejiang University.

  • Lingzhu Xiang

    Ph.D. Student (2017)

    Lingzhu’s research focused on visual navigation in dynamic environments. Last at Google in Toronto.

  • Jennifer Sun

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2017)

    Jennifer developed software for our mobile manipulator. Now an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Cornell, Ithaca, New York.

  • Ningwen Xu

    Master's Exchange Student (2017)

    Last at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

  • Willie Hsieh

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2017)

    Now an Advanced System Engineer, SATCOM, at Honeywell Aerospace in Ottawa (Kanata).

  • Christine (Ji Eun) Lee

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2017)

    Now Mission Operations Architect at Kepler Communications Inc. in Toronto.

  • Johnny (Ze Yang) Wang

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2017)

    Now a Software Development Engineer II at Amazon Robotics, Toronto.

  • Jason Yang

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2017)

    Jason worked on navigation software for our autonomous wheelchair platform. Last at Synapticon in Stuttgart, Germany.

  • Jacob Lambert

    Master's Student (2017)

    Jacob developed automatic camera-lidar calibration software. Now an Autonomous Driving Perception Specialist at Map IV, Nagoya, Japan.

  • Yuan Liang

    Master's Exchange Student (2016)

    Last at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

  • Farid Akhoundov

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2016)

    Now a Senior Software Engineer at Faire (leading online wholesale marketplace tech) in Toronto.

  • Wei-Kang Tseng

    Undergraduate Research Student (2016)

    Wei-Kang built a trajectory design tool for ROS. Now a Controls and Software Developer at General Motors in Toronto.

  • Julian Coelho

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2016)

    Now a Principal Software Engineer, Last Mile Technology at Amazon in Seattle, Washington.

  • Rahul Goel

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2016)

    Now CEO at NordSpace and at PheedLoop, his own startup companies in Toronto!

  • Alice Gong

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2016)

    Alice worked on our autonomous wheelchair project. Now a Software Engineer at Waymo, Mountain View, California.

  • Charlie Guan

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2016)

    Charlie worked on our autonomous wheelchair project. Now a Software Engineer at Oxa in Toronto.

  • Tim Tang

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2016)

    Now a Senior Software Engineer at Stack AV in Pittsburgh, USA.

  • Fei Yu

    Master's Exchange Student (2015)

    Last at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

  • Faizan Rehmatullah

    Undergraduate Thesis Student (2015)

    Now a Senior Engineer, Mission Systems, at MDA in Toronto (Brampton).