Author Archives: Olivier Lamarre

Welcome to new and returning students!

New students have joined our research group this semester! Matthew Giamou and Filip Marić have both returned as Ph.D. students, to work on theoretical guarantees for the general SLAM problem and task planning algorithms for mobile manipulation, respectively. Tobias Ulrich has joined us as a Master’s exchange student from ETH Zurich, working on human-robot cooperative manipulation.

Welcome to all!

Three papers accepted at ICRA 2018!

We’re excited to have three papers appearing at ICRA 2018 in Brisbane! Valentin will present his recent research on deep pose correction for visual navigation applications; Lee will describe methods to learn lighting-invariant scene representations (a.k.a., “How to Train a CAT”); and Oliver, Trevor, Filip, and Luke will present their work on mobile manipulator kinematic and extrinsic sensor calibration via force and contact. Head over to our Publications page for more details. Hope to see you down under!

Welcome new students!

Welcome to our new STARS Laboratory M.A.Sc. students!

Olivier Lamarre has joined us from McGill University to work on projects related to planetary rovers navigation and scientific exploration. Emmett Wise hails from Queen’s University, and will be exploring an exciting project involving vehicle localization using ground-penetrating radar!

We’re excited to have the new team members!

Prof. Kelly receives Connaught New Researcher Award

Our laboratory received a Connaught New Researcher Award (at the maximum funding level) for the proposal entitled “Seeing the Light: Advancing Visual Sensing for Robust and Reliable Robot Navigation and Manipulation.”

The award will assist in our efforts to use vision data for navigation and manipulation in very challenging environments, under large lighting and appearance changes.